2024.07.18 08:36Nation

強制不妊国賠訴訟、全面和解へ 岸田首相の「除斥」撤回表明受け


2024.07.18 08:36Nation

Full Settlement Likely for Forced Sterilization Suits in Japan

A series of ongoing damages lawsuits filed against the Japanese government over forced sterilizations conducted under the country's now-defunct eugenics law will now likely move for settlement talks and come to an end subsequently.
   The prospect emerged after Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, at a meeting with victims of the forced sterilization surgeries and others concerned Wednesday, said that the government will stop demanding the application of the 20-year statute of limitations for damages claims in the pending lawsuits.
   Unveiling the plan, Kishida said that the government's responsibility is "extremely serious" and that the old law "inexcusably violated the human rights and trampled on individual dignity."
   A total of 39 people have so far sued the government at 12 district courts and branches for damages over forced sterilizations under the law. The government had refused to accept the damages claims, demanding the application of the 20-year statute of limitations.
   In its ruling issued July 3 on five of the cases, however, the Grand Bench of the Supreme Court turned down the government's argument, saying, "Demanding the application of the statute of limitations cannot be permitted in the case where the disappearance of the right to seek damages significantly goes against the principle of justice and fairness and can never be tolerated." The ruling was a total victory for the plaintiffs.


