2024.07.13 07:14Nation

不祥事続出、政権に危機感 防衛増税への影響懸念―防衛省処分


2024.07.13 07:14Nation

Sense of Crisis Grips Japan Govt over Defense Min. Scandals

A strong sense of crisis remains in the Japanese government over massive scandals involving the Defense Ministry, even after it punished many officials Friday.
   Some in the government and ruling coalition said that the scandals, including the inappropriate management of security secrets and benefit fraud by Maritime Self-Defense Force members, may impact discussions on proposed tax hikes to finance the five-year defense spending boost through fiscal 2027.
   "It's a critical situation in which our country's defense cannot tolerate any flaws," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters during his visit to the United States on Thursday. "I hope Defense Minister (Minoru Kihara) will do all he can to regain trust."
   Kishida said he will not replace the defense minister and plans to task him with rebuilding the ministry.
   Before the punishments were announced Friday, some in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party said that the severity of the scandals was on par with that of the 2017 cover-up scandal over daily logs of SDF activities in a peacekeeping mission to South Sudan that led to the resignation of the then defense minister.


