2024.07.12 18:21Nation

元検事正の北川容疑者を起訴 官舎で暴行、準強制性交罪―大阪地検

 小橋常和・大阪高検次席検事の話 法令順守に厳格であるべき検察庁の幹部が在職中に重大な犯罪行為に及んだことは極めて遺憾。国民の皆さまに深くおわびする。(2024/07/12-18:21)

2024.07.12 18:21Nation

Ex-Senior Japanese Prosecutor Indicted for Sexual Assault

The Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office on Friday indicted Kentaro Kitagawa, a lawyer and former head of the prosecutors office in western Japan, for sexually assaulting a then female subordinate in 2018.
   Kitagawa, 64, was arrested by the Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office last month.
   He is suspected of sexually assaulting the then subordinate, who was intoxicated, at his then official residence between late night on Sept. 12, 2018, and the small hours of the following day, according to the indictment. Kitagawa was chief prosecutor at the Osaka district prosecutors office at the time.
   After leading the Osaka district prosecutors office from February 2018 to November 2019, Kitagawa retired several years before the standard retirement age.
   Before assuming the top post at the Osaka district prosecutors office, he held positions such as head of the criminal investigation division at the Osaka office, head of the Naha District Public Prosecutors Office in Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan, deputy head of the Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office, and head of the criminal investigation division of the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.


