2019.09.23 07:06Nation



2019.09.23 07:06Nation

Rookie Ministers Source of Concern for Abe at Extra Diet Session

Some of the 13 rookie ministers in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's new cabinet are a source of concern for the administration at an upcoming extraordinary session of the Diet, the country's parliament, political watchers said.
   The 13 people landed their first ministerial posts in the cabinet reshuffle carried out by the prime minister on Sept. 11. Some of them could be opposition parties' targets of assault in Diet debates at the extraordinary session kicking off on Oct. 4, with doubts being cast on their abilities to handle things properly following questionable or inadequate remarks they made in the past.
   The ruling side, led by Abe's Liberal Democratic Party, therefore plans to limit the number of government-sponsored bills to be submitted to the Diet session to about 15, informed sources said. The number could possibly be reduced further, according to the sources.
   The lowest number of bills presented to a major extraordinary Diet session since Abe launched his current administration in late 2012 was 13, at last year's extra session, which was held for 48 days from late October to early December.
   The forthcoming Diet session will be the first since the cabinet shake-up and also be the first for full-fledged debates between the ruling and opposition camps since the election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, on July 21 this year. The duration of the session will likely be set at about two months until early December.


