2020.02.21 17:37Nation

あおり運転を厳罰化 妨害目的の前方停車、違法に―法制審


2020.02.21 17:37Nation

Japan Panel Proposes Intensifying Crackdowns on Road Rage

A Japanese advisory panel Friday proposed intensifying crackdowns on road rage by toughening a law on punishments for dangerous driving.
   The panel proposed that stopping cars in front of and suddenly approaching others on expressways to force them to stop or drive slowly be added to the list of punishable acts of dangerous driving resulting in death or injury.
   Such acts should be punishable whatever the speed of the cars of offending drivers, said the Legislative Council, which advises the justice minister.
   Based on the proposal, the ministry aims to submit a bill to revise the law to parliament at an early date.
   The current law already prohibits driving dangerously for the purpose of sabotaging others if the car is driven at a high speed that could pose a serious danger to the traffic.


