2020.02.21 18:33Nation

500人以上の催し延期・中止 都主催、3月中旬まで―新型肺炎


2020.02.21 18:33Nation

Tokyo to Cancel, Delay Large Indoor Events amid Virus Spread

The Tokyo metropolitan government said Friday it will cancel or put off its large indoor events to be held between Saturday and March 15 in principle amid the spread of the new coronavirus.
   Outdoor events where foods would be served will also be called off or postponed, while events that are difficult to reschedule, such as school entrance exams, will take place as scheduled.
   The plans were revealed at a meeting of the metropolitan government's headquarters responding to the coronavirus outbreak. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike asked for people's understanding, saying, "Now is a critical time to prevent the virus from spreading further."
   Such large indoor events as entrance and certification exams, and graduation ceremonies will be held as planned on condition that measures to prevent infection, such as setting up alcohol disinfectants and ventilation, are implemented.
   Outdoor events will be canceled or postponed if the metropolitan government concludes that adequate infection prevention measures cannot be taken in view of the number of participants and other factors.


