2020.02.21 07:56Nation

日系人強制収容を謝罪 米加州議会が決議―大統領令から78年




2020.02.21 07:56Nation

California Apologizes for WWII Internment of Japanese-Americans

The California State Assembly voted unanimously on Thursday to adopt a resolution apologizing to Japanese-Americans who were incarcerated in concentration camps during World War II.
   In the resolution, the state assembly said it "apologizes to all Americans of Japanese ancestry for its past actions in support of the unjust exclusion, removal, and incarceration."
   The move came after the U.S. federal government, in 1988, offered an apology and compensation for the WWII internment of Japanese-Americans.
   Under a presidential order in 1942, about 120,000 Japanese-Americans were sent to concentration camps during the war.
   "We need to learn from our past mistakes so that we don't repeat that," assembly member Al Muratsuchi, who took the initiative in passing the resolution, said on Thursday.


