2020.02.19 13:02Nation

弁護側、無罪主張し結審 植松被告「控訴しない」―相模原殺傷


2020.02.19 13:02Nation

Defense Makes Closing Arguments on 2016 Care-Home Killings

The defense made its closing statement on Wednesday at the trial of Satoshi Uematsu over the 2016 deadly attack at a care home for the mentally disabled in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, eastern Japan.
   Meanwhile, Uematsu himself said in his final statement at Yokohama District Court on the day that he will not appeal, whatever ruling he faces.
   The prosecution has asked the court for a sentence of capital punishment. The court is slated to hand down a ruling for him on March 16.
   According to the indictment, Uematsu, 30, sneaked into the care facility, Tsukui Yamayuri-en, early on July 26, 2016. He then killed with knives 19 residents there, who were 19 to 70 years old, while wounding 24 others. He also injured two facility workers.
   In its closing statement on Wednesday, the defense said that the crimes stemmed from Uematsu's abnormal thinking due to his psychological disorders, and that therefore he should be acquitted of the murder and other charges.


