2020.02.19 12:34Nation

トランプ米大統領、東京五輪出席を検討 安倍首相が招待




2020.02.19 12:34Nation

Trump Mulls Attending Tokyo Olympics, after Invite from Abe

U.S. President Donald Trump revealed Tuesday that he has been invited by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to attend the Tokyo Olympics this summer and is considering accepting the invitation.
   "I was invited by Prime Minister Abe," Trump told reporters at a gathering in a Los Angeles suburb.
   The president continued: "We'll make that determination. We haven't made it yet, but we might."
   It is unclear whether Trump will choose to travel abroad ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election in the United States.
   The Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 24 to Aug. 9. Trump did not specify when he might visit Japan during the Olympic period.


