2020.02.18 11:47Nation

主要野党、予算審議応ぜず 安倍首相の「桜」答弁に反発




2020.02.18 11:47Nation

Opposition Camp Trying to Corner Abe on Cherry Blossom Party

Opposition lawmakers have claimed that there are contradictions in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's answers to parliamentary questions about a dinner event related to the controversial publicly funded cherry blossom-viewing party.
   Many opposition parties decided to boycott a meeting of the House of Representatives Budget Committee on Tuesday, alleging that Abe had lied in his account of the dinner event in question.
   The prime minister "has repeated untruthful answers many times in parliament," Kiyomi Tsujimoto, acting secretary-general of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, argued at a meeting of the Lower House committee the previous day.
   The dinner event was organized in 2013, 2014 and 2016 by Abe's support group for his supporters at a high-end Tokyo hotel on the eve of the annual cherry blossom party hosted by the prime minister, which was attended in recent years by many supporters of Abe, among celebrity and other guests.
   Abe has said that fees for the dinner event were paid by participants directly to the hotel, ANA InterContinental Tokyo, and that his personal office only mediated them.


