2020.02.18 11:54Nation

抗エイズ薬の臨床試験準備 新型肺炎、クルーズ船隔離「適切」―菅官房長官




2020.02.18 11:54Nation

Japan to Test Anti-HIV Drugs on Coronavirus Patients

Japan is preparing to soon conduct clinical tests of existing anti-HIV drugs on patients infected with the new coronavirus, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Tuesday.
   The initiative is led by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward, according to the top government spokesman at a press conference.
   Suga declined to specify how long it will take to approve the use of anti-HIV drugs for coronavirus patients.
   There are some reports, including from Thailand, that the use of anti-HIV drugs has led to improvement of symptoms of pneumonia from the coronavirus.
   Elsewhere at the press conference, Suga fended off criticism that the quarantine by the Japanese government of the Diamond Princess cruise ship at the port of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, has helped spread coronavirus infection among those on the ship.


