2020.02.18 07:13Nation

日本経済、景気後退入りか GDP、2期連続マイナスも―新型肺炎




2020.02.18 07:13Nation

FOCUS: Japan May Be on Brink of Recession amid Coronavirus Fear

Japan seems to be on the brink of falling into recession, as the country is taking a hit from the unabated outbreak of a new coronavirus from China after its economy plunged in October-December 2019 due partly to the impact of a tax hike.
   The viral outbreak is weighing on growth in the current January-March period, raising concerns that the world's third-largest economy may contract for the second consecutive quarter in a phenomenon known as "technical recession."
   Japanese government data showed Monday that the nation's seasonally adjusted gross domestic product in the last three months of 2019 shrank a real 6.3 pct from the preceding quarter on an annualized basis, down for the first time in five quarters, because of a setback in demand following the consumption tax hike to 10 pct from 8 pct at the beginning of October and damage from powerful typhoons that hit Japan during the period.
   "The economy had been supposed to continue to recover moderately," Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said at a press conference after the release of the GDP data, indicating that the impact of the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted the government's scenario that its stimulus measures would help keep the economy afloat.
   To mitigate the tax hike effect, the government, among other measures, introduced a reward point program for shoppers using cashless payment methods, expanded tax cuts for housing loan borrowers and launched a program for free-of-charge nursery and kindergarten services, as well as keeping the consumption tax rate at 8 pct for foods and some other products.


