2023.11.17 12:19Nation

シンガー・ソングライターのKANさん死去 「愛は勝つ」、61歳


2023.11.17 12:19Nation

Singer-Songwriter Kan, Known for "Ai wa Katsu," Dies at 61

Japanese singer-songwriter Kan, known for his hit song "Ai wa Katsu," or Love will win, died on Sunday, it was learned Friday. He was 61.
   A native of the southwestern Japan city of Fukuoka, Kan, whose real name was Kan Kimura, disclosed in March that he had Meckel's diverticulum cancer and suspended activities to concentrate on treatment.
   Kan made his debut in 1987 after gaining experience in music composition while working with bands during his university years. He won the Japan Record Award in 1991 for Ai wa Katsu, one of songs on an album that gradually gained popularity.
   Kan studied piano in Paris from 2002 to 2004. After returning to Japan, he focused on concerts and radio programs.


