2020.02.14 15:30Nation

中国在住者は来年参加料免除 今年の自粛求める―東京マラソン


2020.02.14 15:30Nation

Chinese Runners Skipping Tokyo Marathon to Get 2021 Fee Exemption

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation said Friday it will exempt entered runners from China who will skip this year's annual marathon race in the Japanese capital from the fee to join the 2021 race.
   With the exemption of the fee, set at 18,200 yen, the foundation hopes to encourage runners living in China to refrain from joining this year's race amid the spread of the new coronavirus originating in China.
   For the race, slated for March 1, 1,820 people living in China are registered.
   On Feb. 6, the foundation said registered runners from China who hold back from participating in the 2020 race would be given the right to take part in the 2021 race. But it declined to refund the fees paid for the 2020 race and called for additional payments for next year's race.
   Now the foundation has changed its mind and decided to make the 2021 race free for registered runners from China who will not take part in this year's race, as the Tokyo metropolitan government asked for special consideration for them.


