2023.10.19 18:34Nation

景気判断、6地域で上方修正 個人消費、設備投資が好調―日銀


2023.10.19 18:34Nation

BOJ Upgrades Economic Views for 6 of 9 Regions

The Bank of Japan revised up its economic assessments for six of the country's nine regions on Thursday, as services consumption was upbeat thanks to an increase in foreign visitors and the resumption of economic activities after the COVID-19 crisis.
   The upgrades for the six regions--Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Kanto-Koshinetsu, Chugoku and Shikoku--also reflected robust capital spending.
   The BOJ maintained its assessments for the remaining three regions--Tokai, Kinki, and Kyushu and Okinawa.
   The new assessments were included in the latest quarterly Regional Economic Report, adopted at the day's meeting of BOJ branch managers.
   Services that saw strong consumption included the restaurant and tourism sectors.


