2023.10.19 17:08Nation

NTT法、「役割終えた」 社長が廃止言及、競合相手は反対


2023.10.19 17:08Nation

NTT Pres. Sees Abolition of NTT Law as Inevitable

Akira Shimada, president of Japanese telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., said Thursday that the roles of a law that governs his company have largely been accomplished, indicating the view that it is inevitable for the NTT law to be eventually abolished.
   The comment, made during a meeting of a ruling Liberal Democratic Party project team on the review of the NTT law, apparently supported discussions by the team that eye the possibility of scrapping the law.
   The team held the day's meeting to hear opinions from the heads of NTT and three major competing telecom companies. KDDI Corp. President Makoto Takahashi and SoftBank Corp. President Junichi Miyakawa attended the meeting in person, while Rakuten Mobile Inc. Chairman Hiroshi Mikitani, also chairman and CEO of Rakuten Group Inc., took part in it online.
   Speaking in a press conference after the meeting, NTT's Shimada said the NTT law will become unnecessary if the obligation to provide nationwide fixed-line telephone services, stipulated in the law, is reviewed and incorporated into the telecom business law, and also if the obligation to disclose research results, which has been preventing the strengthening of competitiveness, is abolished.
   Meanwhile, KDDI's Takahashi and other telecom company heads, who separately held a press conference, voiced opposition to the abolition of the NTT law that stipulates the scope of business of NTT group companies from the viewpoint of ensuring fair competition.


