2023.10.19 11:12Nation

福島沖調査、中国が初参加 水揚げされた魚分析へ―IAEA


2023.10.19 11:12Nation

China Joins IAEA Survey over Fukushima Water for 1st Time

The International Atomic Energy Agency on Thursday collected for radiation examination fish unloaded at a port in the northeastern Japan prefecture of Fukushima, with China joining such testing for the first time.
   The IAEA and organizations from Japan, China, South Korea and Canada will gauge the concentration levels of radioactive substances in the sampled fish, after Japan started in August to release treated water containing tritium, a radioactive material, from the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station into the ocean.
   The IAEA will compare the results of the tests to check whether and how much the outcome of the Japanese test is trustworthy.
   It is the first time for China, a strong opponent of the water release into the ocean, to take part in tests for radioactive substances in seawater off Fukushima or fish caught off the coast of the prefecture, home to the nuclear plant hit hard by the March 2011 tsunami, since the water discharge began.
   A nine-member team, including two experts from China, sampled six species of fish, including sea bream and puffer fish, at Hisanohama port in the Fukushima city of Iwaki. The fish will be processed for testing to be conducted at 11 institutions in and outside Japan.


