2023.07.26 12:20Nation

豊昇龍が大関昇進 「気魄一閃の精神で」―大相撲



 豊昇龍 本名スガラグチャー・ビャンバスレン、モンゴル出身、立浪部屋。千葉・日体大柏高出。18年初場所初土俵。19年九州場所新十両、20年秋場所新入幕。22年は春場所に小結で新三役となり、秋場所で関脇昇進。三賞は敢闘賞1回、技能賞2回。元横綱朝青龍のおい。188センチ、142キロ。24歳。得意は右四つ、寄り、投げ。(2023/07/26-12:20)

2023.07.26 12:20Nation

Hoshoryu Promoted to 2nd Highest Sumo Rank of Ozeki

The board of the Japan Sumo Association on Wednesday unanimously decided to promote sekiwake Hoshoryu to the second highest rank of ozeki.
   The promotion came after the 24-year-old sumo wrestler from Mongolia, whose real name is Sugarragchaa Byambasuren, won the first title of his career at the grand tournament that ended in Nagoya, central Japan, Sunday.
   After being notified of the promotion by association representatives at a stable dormitory in Nagoya, Hoshoryu said that "I will make efforts with the spirit of "kihaku issen" (or stand strong in all circumstances) so as not to discredit the name of ozeki."
   He became the seventh Mongolian to be promoted to ozeki after Kirishima in May.
   Hoshoryu, a nephew of former yokozuna Asashoryu, scored 10 wins in the spring tournament in March, 11 wins in the summer tournament in May and a career high of 12 wins in the Nagoya tournament.


