2019.09.17 17:48Nation



2019.09.17 17:48Nation

Uncertainty Mounting over Abe's Hope to Serve as U.S.-Iran Mediator

Uncertainty is mounting over Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's hope to serve as a mediator between the United States and Iran, in the wake of an attack on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Saturday.
   Concerns over a possible armed conflict between the United States and Iran are increasing, with Washington suspecting Iran's involvement in the attack.
   At a meeting of executives of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday, Abe said he will meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during his visit to New York from Monday for participation in the U.N. General Assembly session. "I want to hold talks with President Rouhani on easing tensions in the Middle East," Abe said.
   Stability in the Middle East is indispensable for Japan, which relies on countries in the region for most of its energy imports.
   Abe, who visited Iran in June and held meetings with Rouhani and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is hoping to be actively involved in Middle East issues. Abe is slated to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump during the upcoming New York visit.


