2022.11.17 16:01Nation

教団の解散命令「請求すべき」7割 山際氏人事に反対63%―時事世論調査


2022.11.17 16:01Nation

Close to 70 Pct Back Disbandment Order for Unification Church

A Jiji Press survey showed Thursday that 69.4 pct of respondents believe the Japanese government should seek a court order to disband the controversial religious group known as the Unification Church.
   The figure far exceeded the 6.9 pct who said that the government should not seek the court order.
   Meanwhile, 63.3 pct said they opposed the appointment of former economic revitalization minister Daishiro Yamagiwa as chief of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's COVID-19 response headquarters, against 8.4 pct in support. Yamagiwa stepped down after criticisms over his ties with the Unification Church.
   The interview survey, conducted over four days through Monday, covered 2,000 people aged 18 or over across the country. Valid responses came from 61.7 pct.


