2022.09.16 18:48Nation

入管施設で死亡、国に賠償命令 「救急搬送の注意義務怠る」―水戸地裁

 出入国在留管理庁の話 判決の内容を十分に精査し、適切に対応する。(2022/09/16-18:48)

2022.09.16 18:48Nation

Japan Ordered to Pay Damages over Death of Detained Cameroon Man

A Japanese district court Friday ordered the Japanese government to pay 1.65 million yen in damages over the death in 2014 of a Cameroonian man, then 43, detained at an immigration center in Ibaraki Prefecture near Tokyo.
   In the lawsuit filed with Mito District Court, the mother of the Cameroonian man demanded that the government pay 10 million yen, claiming that her son died as a result of the immigration center's failure to provide proper medical care.
   According to the complaint, the man arrived at Narita International Airport near Tokyo in October 2013, but was not allowed to enter Japan. After he refused to follow a deportation order, he was detained at the Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center in Ushiku in Ibaraki.
   The man, who had a chronic disease, repeatedly complained of being in poor health at the center, where he was detained from November 2013.
   On March 30, 2014, a staff worker at the center noticed a change in the Cameroonian man's condition and made an emergency call, but he was confirmed dead shortly afterward.


