2022.09.15 20:54Nation

G7教育相会合は富山・石川 環境札幌、科技仙台―16日に決定


2022.09.15 20:54Nation

Toyama, Ishikawa to Co-Host G-7 Education Meeting

The Japanese government plans to hold a Group of Seven education ministers meeting in Toyama and Ishikawa prefectures, it was learned Thursday.
   The education ministers' gathering will be among the 14 ministerial meetings to be hosted by Japan during its G-7 presidency next year.
   The government has already announced two meeting locations and will do the rest on Friday.
   The two are the town of Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, for a foreign ministers meeting, and the city of Niigata, for a gathering of the finance ministers and central bank chiefs.
   According to government sources, a meeting of the climate, energy and environment ministers will be hosted by Sapporo, the Hokkaido capital, and that of the science and technology ministers by Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture.


