2022.09.13 23:03Nation

乗客ら3人の身元確認 行方不明8人に―知床沈没事故

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)は13日、北方領土・国後島などで発見された3人の遺体について、いずれも乗船者と判明したと発表した。これで死亡が確認されたのは18人、行方不明者は8人となった。(2022/09/13-23:03)

2022.09.13 23:03Nation

Bodies Handed by Russia Identified as Boat Accident Victims

Three bodies recently handed over from Russia to Japan have been confirmed as those of victims of a sightseeing boat accident in April, according to the Japan Coast Guard.
   As a result, the number of people confirmed dead in the accident, in which the Kazu I sightseeing boat sank off Hokkaido's Shiretoko Peninsula, reached 18. Meanwhile, eight people remain unaccounted for.
   The three are crew member Akira Soyama, then 27, and two passengers, namely a 21-year-old woman of Hokkaido's Kitami and a 59-year-old man of the northernmost prefecture's Ebetsu, the 1st Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, based in Otaru in the same prefecture, said Tuesday.
   The bodies of Soyama and the woman were found in May at the Kunashiri Island, one of the four Russian-held northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan. The body of the Ebetsu man was discovered in the Sakhalin region in Russia's Far East.
   Russian DNA analysis found that the bodies were those of the three Japanese. Japan conducted additional DNA analysis after receiving the bodies from Russia on Friday.


