2022.09.05 18:19Nation

概算要求110兆484億円 防衛費過去最大に―来年度予算


2022.09.05 18:19Nation

Japan FY 2023 Budget Requests Slightly over 110 T. Yen

General-account budget requests made from Japanese government departments for fiscal 2023 totaled 110,048.4 billion yen, the Finance Ministry said Monday.
   The figure is the second-highest on record, after 111,655.9 billion yen sought for fiscal 2022, which began in April.
   The latest budget requests remained at the high level, reflecting a record request from the Defense Ministry, soaring debt-serving costs following massive spending on measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and higher social security spending attributable to the aging population.
   The total is likely to swell further during the budget compilation process toward year-end as government departments requested spending on many items without saying how much they need.


