2019.09.13 22:51Nation



2019.09.13 22:51Nation

Japanese Women Most Reliant on Nurseries for Their Children

Nurseries and other public facilities are most relied on by mothers in Japan to look after their children when they are at work, replacing their parents, a survey of married women by a government-affiliated institute showed on Friday.
   In the survey, conducted in July last year, 42.0 pct of respondents said they leave their children at nurseries and other public facilities when they are away from home for work, up 8.2 percentage points from the previous survey five years earlier.
   Mothers asking their parents to take care of their children accounted for 33.9 pct, down 8.3 points, according to the nationwide survey of 6,142 married women by the welfare ministry-affiliated National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.
   "Nurseries may have become more accessible for mothers in terms of psychological and other aspects," an official of the institute said.
   Meanwhile, the idea that a married couple may have different surnames was supported by a majority of respondents for the first time, at 50.5 pct, up 9.0 points, after losing support in the last two surveys in what was taken as a return to conservative family values.


