2022.03.16 07:14Nation

筋肉減少の仕組み解明 新治療薬に期待―神戸大


2022.03.16 07:14Nation

Researchers in Japan Discover Muscle Loss Mechanism

A group of researchers in Japan has discovered the mechanism by which muscle mass decreases when the body does not move.
   The researchers said that they are the first in the world to discover the mechanism, which involves the decrease in the calcium concentration in the muscle, noting that the finding could help develop treatments for diseases such as sarcopenia, a condition in which muscle mass decreases with age. The finding was published in the online edition of a U.S. scientific journal.
   The group developed a highly sensitive method for observing calcium levels in muscles of mice jointly with Nagoya University and Tokyo Medical and Dental University. It found that muscular calcium levels fall when muscles are not moved, which triggers a decline in muscle mass.
   The group also identified three proteins--Piezo1, Kruppel-like Factor 15, or KLF15, and Interleukin 6, or IL-6--that function during the decline of muscle mass.
   "We want to use this discovery to find substances that act on these proteins and develop remedies for muscle loss," Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine professor Wataru Ogawa, a member of the group, said. There are currently no effective treatments for muscle loss.


