2019.11.25 06:07Nation

若い世代でテレビ離れ進む 約1割「見ていない」―時事世論調査




2019.11.25 06:07Nation

More Young Japanese Tend Not to Watch TV: Jiji Poll

In a recent Jiji Press survey, about 10 pct of Japanese people in their teens and 20s said they do not watch television, showing youngsters' diminishing interest in watching TV amid rising popularity of various online video platforms.
   The largest share of respondents, or 25.7 pct, said they watch TV for 180 minutes or more daily on average on weekdays, but the proportion was down from 30.9 pct in the previous survey conducted in 2008. Those who watch TV for the same length of time on weekends accounted for 34.2 pct, down from 42.5 pct.
   Meanwhile, the proportion of respondents aged 18-29 who do not watch TV at all came to 12.0 pct for weekdays and 11.1 pct for weekends, both up from 2.4 pct in the previous survey.
   The results apparently showed that the popularity of television shows have faded mainly among younger generations over the past decade. Only 3.7 pct of the overall respondents said they do not think people are watching less TV.
   Asked to give reasons for not watching TV, with multiple answers allowed, 60.5 pct said they find video-sharing and streaming sites more attractive, while 57.4 pct said it is more fun to play with smartphones and game consoles.


