2021.08.24 12:36Nation

二階氏、総裁再選支持を明言 菅首相とあす会談、政治日程めぐり


2021.08.24 12:36Nation

Bigwig Nikai Vows to Support Suga's Re-election as LDP Head

Toshihiro Nikai, powerful secretary-general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, vowed on Tuesday to support Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's re-election as the party's president.
   Nikai was speaking at a press conference.
   On Thursday, the LDP is slated to set a schedule for a party leadership election to take place in line with the coming expiration of Suga's current term.
   The leadership poll is most likely to be held on Sept. 29, according to sources familiar with the matter.
   Suga and Nikai will meet at the LDP headquarters on Wednesday, a senior party official said. They are expected to have talks on the leadership election, as well as the looming House of Representatives election.


