2021.05.31 21:10Nation

コロナ禍、受動喫煙3割増 18%「吸う量増えた」―国立がんセンター


2021.05.31 21:10Nation

30 Pct in Japan Feel Passive Smoke Increase amid Epidemic

A Japanese survey showed Monday that 33.7 pct of nonsmokers feel an increase in passive smoking from those living with them as they spend more time at home amid the COVID-19 crisis.
   The survey by the National Cancer Center Japan also confirmed that 18 pct of responding smokers found they were smoking more than they did before the novel coronavirus crisis began.
   Monday is World No Tobacco Day, designated by the World Health Organization. The online survey was conducted March 9-16, covering 1,000 smokers and 1,000 nonsmokers.
   The survey shows that "a significantly large number" of people were exposed more to secondhand smoke due chiefly to the spread of working from home and voluntary restrictions on going out, the center said.
   Of the responding smokers, 18.0 pct said they smoke more frequently, while 11.4 pct saw a reduced frequency and 69.6 pct saw no change in the frequency.


