2021.05.16 07:21Nation

五輪、都庁に危機感 くすぶる小池氏「中止表明」説―宣言下、減らぬ感染者


2021.05.16 07:21Nation

Tokyo Govt Officials Increasingly Concerned about Olympics

Tokyo metropolitan government officials are increasingly concerned about whether the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will be held this summer as scheduled, with the novel coronavirus showing little sign of abating.
   The number of new infection cases is still on the rise though the Japanese capital is under the third coronavirus state of emergency from April 25.
   Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has reiterated she will do her utmost to ensure the safe and secure Tokyo Games. But one senior official at the metropolitan government said that "there would be little surprise if she declares the cancellation" of the sporting events.
   New infection cases "are not decreasing at all," Koike said in a frustrated tone at a meeting prior to the metropolitan government's coronavirus monitoring conference Thursday.
   The metropolitan government initially aimed to exit the third state of emergency quickly by taking intensive measures, after the second one covered the Japanese capital for two and a half months to late March.


