2020.12.18 17:11Nation

小池都知事、医療「心配ない体制構築」 菅首相の会食には理解―新型コロナ


2020.12.18 17:11Nation

Tokyo Governor to Aim for "Medical System Free of Worry"

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said Friday that the metropolitan government aims to "create a medical system free of worry" to address concerns over medical care availability amid the novel coronavirus crisis.
   The remarks at a news conference suggested that the Tokyo government will consider additional measures toward the New Year's holiday period in response to the spread of the coronavirus.
   The metropolitan government raised on Thursday its alert for medical care availability related to the novel coronavirus in Tokyo to "under strain," the highest level on its four-tier assessment system, for the first time.
   At the news conference, the governor pledged to take thorough steps for urging restaurants and bars to close early during the New Year's holiday period, when many people dine with others and travel.
   The request for shortened hours, initially due to end on Thursday, was extended to Jan. 11 next year.


