2020.12.18 00:15Nation

伝統建築「工匠の技」、無形遺産に ユネスコ登録決定

 国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の政府間委員会は17日、日本が提案していた「伝統建築工匠の技 木造建造物を受け継ぐための伝統技術」をに登録すると決めた。登録は2018年の「来訪神 仮面・仮装の神々」以来で、国内のは22件となった。

2020.12.18 00:15Nation

Japan's Building Repair Skills OK'd for UNESCO Listing

UNESCO has decided to add a series of Japanese craftspeople's techniques for repairing traditional wooden structures to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Japan's Cultural Affairs Agency said Thursday.
   The decision, made by an intergovernmental committee of the Paris-based U.N. educational and cultural organization, marks the registration of the 22nd Japanese intangible cultural asset on the UNESCO list, after "raiho-shin" traditional divine visit rituals in Japan registered in 2018.
   Newly joining the list are 17 sets of traditional skills and techniques related to wooden architecture recognized by the Japanese government to be indispensable to preserving cultural assets.
   Among them are skills to harvest Japanese "susuki" silver grass and "yoshi" reed grass used in thatched roofs, tap Japanese "urushi" lacquer trees and make gold leaf by beating the metal inserted between Japanese traditional handmade "washi" papers.
   The 17 sets of skills are preserved by 14 organizations, including the Japanese Association for Conservation of Architectural Monuments.


