2019.09.07 22:07Nation


赤羽一嘉 公明党政調会長代理


2019.09.07 22:07Nation

Komeito's Akaba Likely to Become Land Minister

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering naming as land minister Kazuyoshi Akaba, 61, acting policy affairs chief of Komeito, the coalition partner of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, to replace Keiichi Ishii, also a Komeito member, informed sources said Saturday.
   In a reshuffle set for Wednesday of members of his cabinet and the LDP leadership, Abe plans to retain Hiroshi Moriyama, as chairman of the LDP's parliamentary affairs committee, the sources said.
   Komeito has been maintaining the post of land minister since the second Abe administration was launched in December 2012.
   In their talks on Friday, Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi asked Abe to give a ministerial post to a Komeito member in the upcoming reshuffle, and the prime minister agreed to do so, according to the sources.
   After winning his seat in the House of Representatives for the first time in 1993, Akaba has been elected to the lower chamber of parliament eight times, assuming such posts as state minister of finance and state minister of economy, trade and industry.


