2019.09.09 15:06Nation



2019.09.09 15:06Nation

Kono to Be Appointed Defense Minister in Cabinet Reshuffle

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to name Foreign Minister Taro Kono as defense minister to replace incumbent Takeshi Iwaya in the cabinet reshuffle slated for Wednesday, according to informed sources.
   Also in the reshuffle, Hiroshige Seko, minister of economy, trade and industry, is expected to be appointed as secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of parliament.
   The choice of Kono, who has served as foreign minister for two years, as new defense minister reflects Abe's hope to pursue the strengthening of defense cooperation between Japan, South Korea and the United States at a time when the worsening of Tokyo-Seoul ties is spilling over into the realm of national security.
   Since taking office as foreign minister in August 2017, Kono has built trust with his counterparts around the world such as U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, using his outstanding English skills.
   The foreign minister took a consistently hard-line stance against South Korea over the issue of wartime labor. Abe hopes to keep him in the cabinet so as not to send any wrong message to Seoul, the sources said.


