2020.08.06 07:19Nation

「香港」「コロナ」で連携 感染拡大後初の外遊―日英外相


2020.08.06 07:19Nation

Japan, Britain Agree to Cooperate over Hong Kong, COVID-19

Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and his British counterpart, Dominic Raab, agreed Wednesday to cooperate over the situation in Hong Kong and novel coronavirus measures.
   At their meeting at Lancaster House in London, the two ministers also agreed to work together to ensure that the rights and freedom of the citizens of Hong Kong, as well as those of people and companies of respective countries, are respected, according to Japan's Foreign Ministry.
   They shared their grave concerns over a one-year postponement of an election of the Hong Kong Legislative Council.
   It is the first time for a Japanese cabinet minister to take an overseas trip since the worldwide spread of COVID-19 became apparent in March.
   Voicing his expectations for a coronavirus vaccine that is currently being developed in Britain, Motegi confirmed with Raab that their nations will work together to develop coronavirus vaccines and treatments.


