2020.07.30 10:38Nation

コロナで街頭犯罪22%減 1~6月の刑法犯―警察庁


2020.07.30 10:38Nation

Street Crimes Decrease in Japan amid Coronavirus Epidemic

The number of street crimes recognized by police in Japan in January-June dropped 22.4 pct from a year before to 99,573, National Police Agency data showed Thursday.
   The decrease came mainly because people refrained from going out amid the novel coronavirus epidemic, according to the NPA.
   The total number of crimes detected by police across the country sagged 15.4 pct to 307,644 in the first half of this year. Anti-crime measures by police and citizens, and the growing use of surveillance cameras are believed to have contributed to the decrease.
   The monthly number of street crimes, such as bicycle theft and bag snatching, slipped about 5-10 pct in January-March and plunged about 30-40 pct in April-May, when the government's coronavirus state of emergency was in place. The number declined about 27 pct in June.
   The number of bicycle theft cases fell by 17,052 to 58,458 in January-June.


