2020.07.29 19:59Nation

「感染防止」ステッカー掲出 条例で事業者に要請―小池都知事


2020.07.29 19:59Nation

INTERVIEW: Koike Eyes Ordinance for Putting Up Antivirus Sticker

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has unveiled a plan to introduce an ordinance urging businesses taking appropriate measures for preventing infection with the novel coronavirus to put up a related sticker created by the metropolitan government.
   "In order to bring the epidemic under control while maintaining economic activity, cooperation between Tokyo residents and businesses is necessary," Koike said in an interview with Jiji Press on Wednesday, at a time when infection clusters are occurring at nightlife establishments with hospitality services and other facilities in the Japanese capital.
   With new daily infection cases in Tokyo topping 100 for 21 straight days through Wednesday, the governor suggested that a second wave of infections has already started.
   "If severe cases mount, the burden on the medical system will increase," Koike said. "We are making a strategic coronavirus testing regime in order to prevent severe cases among elderly people."
   Koike plans to adopt the ordinance on her own decision without the Tokyo metropolitan assembly's approval process. Such action is permitted under the local autonomy law.


