2020.07.09 11:43Nation

ソフトバンク元社員に有罪 ロシア外交官に情報漏えい―東京地裁


2020.07.09 11:43Nation

Ex-SoftBank Employee Found Guilty over Data Leak to Russia

Tokyo District Court on Thursday sentenced a former employee of SoftBank Corp. to two years in prison, suspended for four years, over a leak of confidential corporate information to a Russian diplomat in Japan.
   The court also ordered Yutaka Araki, 48, former chief of the major Japanese mobile phone carrier's mobile information technology promotion headquarters, to pay a fine of 800,000 yen.
   The defense side had admitted to the charges of obtaining confidential documents in violation to the unfair competition prevention law.
   The prosecution had sought a prison term of two years and a fine of 1 million yen.
   "Trade secrets on radio networks, which are an important social infrastructure, were infringed on," judge Ryota Akamatsu said. "The criminal acts were artfully done and were malicious."


