2020.07.08 20:38Nation

脱「書面・押印」で共同宣言 コロナ受け政府と経済界


2020.07.08 20:38Nation

Japan Govt, Biz Groups Jointly Seek Shift from Paper, Seals

The Japanese government and business groups have released a joint statement calling for a shift from administrative and business procedures based on paper documents and "hanko" seals.
   The statement was adopted Wednesday at a meeting between the government and the business groups, including the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), as part of the fight against the novel coronavirus.
   The statement said that "there is a need to achieve a digitization of the whole society by making new lifestyles and business styles take root."
   The statement called on government bodies to consider changing their administrative systems by year-end to digitize all procedures in principle and revise laws if necessary.
   It also sought the abolishment of the use of seals in business procedures and the digitization of business documents to promote teleworking.


