2020.07.08 19:02Nation

都外移動自粛は「体調悪い人」 「皆さま」から修正―小池都知事


2020.07.08 19:02Nation

Tokyo Governor Tones Down Request for Travel Restraint

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike on Wednesday asked residents who are feeling ill not to leave the Japanese capital amid the spread of the new coronavirus.
   She toned down the rhetoric after repeatedly asking all Tokyoites not to visit other prefectures for nonessential purposes in recent days.
   Her move came after Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga and economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura denied the need for across-the-board voluntary restraint on travel outside Tokyo by Tokyoites.
   These government officials are concerned that such restraints will hamper recovery in the tourism industry from the pandemic's fallout.


