2019.10.07 16:19Nation



2019.10.07 16:19Nation

Emperor, Empress to Hold Tea Party for Foreign Royals

Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako will invite foreign royals attending the Emperor's Oct. 22 enthronement proclamation ceremony to their residence for a tea party the following day, Imperial Household Agency vice head Yasuhiko Nishimura said Monday.
   "We planned the tea party to create an opportunity for the Emperor and the Empress to directly express their gratitude" for the congratulations from the foreign royals, Nishimura said.
   The tea party, to be attended by members of the Japanese Imperial Family as well, will be held at the Imperial couple's residence at the Akasaka Estate in Tokyo's Minato Ward on the afternoon of Oct. 23, the day after the "Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi" enthronement proclamation ceremony. Emperor Naruhito assumed the throne on May 1 this year.
   When the Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi ceremony for previous Emperor Akihito, now Emperor Emeritus, was held in 1990, he and then Empress Michiko, now Emperor Emerita, invited head-of-state-level members of foreign royal families, including kings, to the Akasaka Estate for a tea party. At the time, the current Emperor, then Crown Prince, held a separate tea party for other foreign royals, including crown princes, at his residence.
   This time, only one such tea party will be held, at one location, due to reasons including a decrease in the number of Imperial Family members.


