2020.06.16 18:58Nation

河井前法相、案里氏が自民離党へ 捜査見据え17日届け出

河井克行 衆議院議員

河井克行 衆議院議員


河井案里 参議院議員

河井案里 参議院議員


2020.06.16 18:58Nation

Ex-Justice Minister Kawai, His Wife to Leave LDP

Former Japanese Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai and his wife, Anri, plan to leave the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, LDP sources said Tuesday.
   The two are expected to submit their letters of resignation from the LDP as early as Wednesday, apparently as public prosecutors are investigating the camp of Anri for the House of Councillors election in July last year for alleged election law violations.
   Before the election, in which Anri won a seat in the upper chamber of Japan's parliament for the first time, Katsuyuki is suspected of having distributed money to local politicians in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan. Anri ran in the poll from the Hiroshima prefectural constituency.
   There is the possibility that over 20 million yen in total has been given way. Anri is believed to have also played a role in the money distribution, informed sources said.
   The prosecutors have questioned the couple on a voluntary basis. They are expected to launch a full-fledged investigation into the campaign scandal after the current parliamentary session ends on Wednesday, the sources said.


