2020.06.02 19:11Nation

小池氏、再選出馬へ 10日にも表明―都知事選


2020.06.02 19:11Nation

Koike to Seek Reelection as Tokyo Governor

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike plans to run for reelection in the gubernatorial poll scheduled for July 5, it was learned Tuesday.
   Koike, 67, is expected to declare her candidacy as early as on June 10, the final day of the ongoing Tokyo metropolitan assembly session, sources said.
   The governor is expected to campaign on a platform of maintaining her coronavirus prevention measures and rebuilding the economy of the Japanese capital, the source said.
   "I'll make a decision on the election at an appropriate time," Koike said at a plenary meeting of the assembly on Tuesday.
   "We're faced with an array of issues we must focus on," such as preparing for a potential second wave of coronavirus infections and reforming social structures after the epidemic subsides, she added.


