2020.06.02 18:58Nation

WTO提訴、手続き再開へ 韓国、「解決意志示さず」と日本批判




2020.06.02 18:58Nation

S. Korea to Resume WTO Procedures over Japan's Export Controls

The South Korean government said Tuesday that it plans to resume World Trade Organization procedures on its complaint over Japan's tightened controls on semiconductor material exports to South Korea.
   The move is seen making it more difficult for the two neighboring countries to mend fences anytime soon, as Seoul is expected to try again to convince the international community that Tokyo's tightening of export controls is unjustifiable.
   Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told a press conference in Tokyo the same day that it was regrettable that South Korea unilaterally made the announcement while the two governments are continuing talks on the matter.
   In May, South Korea claimed that Japan's concerns that had prompted it to impose stricter export controls on South Korea last year have been fully resolved through Seoul's efforts to strengthen its trade controls, including a bureau chief-level policy dialogue with Japan, related law revisions and the establishment of a trade security official post.
   South Korea then urged Japan to present a solution to the trade issue by the end of May.


