2020.06.01 12:19Nation

G7サミット拡大に慎重 「主要国が協力確認する場」―菅官房長官


2020.06.01 12:19Nation

Japan Wary of Inviting More Nations to G-7 Summit

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga voiced caution on Monday over expanding the current framework of the Group of Seven key industrialized nations.
   "The G-7 framework continues to be indispensable for major countries to confirm their plans to tackle issues that the international community currently faces and promote cooperation," Suga told a press conference.
   Suga's remark came after U.S. President Donald Trump suggested inviting Russia, South Korea, Australia and India to a G-7 meeting that will be hosted by the United States.
   Trump announced the postponement of the meeting, originally slated to be held in June, to September or later.
   He branded the current G-7 framework as being outdated.


