2020.05.29 16:04Nation

朝日社員を停職1カ月 前検事長との賭けマージャン

 中村史郎・執行役員兼ゼネラルマネジャーの話 信頼を損ねたことを深くおわびする。報道倫理が問われる重い問題と受け止めており、取材先との距離の取り方などについて整理し、報告する。(2020/05/29-16:04)

2020.05.29 16:04Nation

Asahi Gives 1-Month Suspension to Reporter in Gambling Scandal

Asahi Shimbun Co. handed down the disciplinary action of a one-month suspension from work to an employee on Friday for playing mahjong for money with a former top prosecutor during Japan's coronavirus state of emergency.
   The employee disciplined was a 50-year-old male worker in a management position at the corporate planning department.
   He explained to the publisher of major daily Asahi Shimbun that he played mahjong for cash at the home of a Sankei Shimbun reporter with former Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office head Hiromu Kurokawa, who has resigned over the gambling scandal, a total of four times in April and May.
   Asahi Shimbun issued a reprimand to Shigeru Fukushima, executive officer and the head of the department, for his management responsibility.
   "We deeply apologize for damaging trust," Shiro Nakamura, executive officer and general manager, said. "We take the issue as a serious problem questioning journalism ethics, and we'll make a report after a review of reporters' ties with news sources."


