2020.05.29 15:30Nation

心の相談、4月に急増 新型コロナ影響、4900件超―厚労省


2020.05.29 15:30Nation

Mental Health Consultations Surge in April amid Virus Crisis

The number of mental health consultations surged in April, reflecting concerns about the novel coronavirus crisis, data compiled by the health ministry have shown.
   The number of such consultations received at mental health and welfare centers in the country's 47 prefectures and 20 ordinance-designated big cities between April 1 and 30 stood at 4,946, according to the data.
   The figure almost tripled from 1,741 between Feb. 7 and March 31.
   The surge is believed to have reflected anxieties intensified by restrictions on going out under the COVID-19 state of emergency declared April 7. The emergency was fully lifted Monday.
   Of the total, 3,131 consultations were received by women, 1,776 by men, and 39 by those of unknown gender.


