2024.09.20 18:08Nation

「単独犯の偶発的事件」 中国深センの日本人男児襲撃を地元紙詳報―当局、社会不安警戒


2024.09.20 18:08Nation

Chinese Paper Reports Fatal Stabbing of Japanese Boy as Accidental

A Chinese newspaper on Friday reported in detail the fatal stabbing of a Japanese boy in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, southern China, earlier this week, calling it an accidental incident, based on information from police.
   It appears that Chinese authorities released details of the incident through the newspaper, in response to the Japanese government's request for detailed information.
   When a Japanese woman and her child were injured by a knife-wielding man in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, eastern China in June, Chinese authorities also described that incident as accidental.
   According to a report by the newspaper on social media, the latest attack was carried out by a 44-year-old man alone and that he has admitted that he injured the boy with a knife. The man, who did not have a regular job, vandalized a public facility and became subject to police action in 2015, and was detained by Shenzhen police for disturbing public order in 2019.
   The newspaper, however, did not mention the suspect's motives, including whether he intended to kill a Japanese citizen.


