2024.07.24 07:04Nation

パリ五輪商戦が始動 「家ナカ」観戦狙い、グルメも充実

 家族や友人と家でテレビを見ながら食事をする需要を見越し、ファミリーレストラン「ココス」は持ち帰りと宅配専用の「おうちDEココス みんなでパーティーセット」(3218円)を25日から販売。ピザや揚げ物など6品をシェアして楽しめる。大丸東京店(東京)も、応援しながら片手でつまめる串揚げやサンドイッチなど30種類のデパ地下グルメを同日からそろえる。
 イオンは「フランスフェア」を26~30日にグループ約7300店で開催する。円安などの影響で現地に行けない人も多い中、旅行気分を味わってもらおうとフランス産のワインや食品、雑貨などを展開。パリで話題のおにぎりを独自に再現した「トップバリュ 合鴨のデミソースおにぎり」といったユニークな商品も売り出す。

2024.07.24 07:04Nation

Japan Restaurants, Retailers Gearing Up for Paris Games

Restaurants and retailers in Japan are gearing up for the Paris Olympic Games, set to start soon.
   With most Olympic events scheduled between evening and early morning Japan time, companies are expecting high demand for food to eat at home while electronics retailers are hoping for higher sales of television sets.
   Family restaurant operator Coco's Japan Co. will begin selling Thursday a takeout- and delivery-only party set to meet anticipated demand for people to eat at home with relatives or friends while watching the Paris Games on TV. The 3,218-yen set includes six shareable dishes including pizza and fried foods.
   At its basement food section, Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co.'s Daimaru outlet just near Tokyo Station will offer from Thursday 30 varieties of dishes that people can enjoy while watching the games, such as skewered fried food and sandwiches.
   Food delivery service provider Demae-can Co. is teaming up with a restaurant chain to offer a special limited-time menu from Friday. "We hope people use it so that they do not miss out on breathtaking moments and miraculous performances (by Olympians)," a Demae-can official said.


