2024.07.21 07:09Nation

うなぎ商戦、猛暑で熱気 物価高対抗で「低価格」も

 「イトーヨーカドー」と「ヨーク」では、1日から中国産うなぎを使用した「うなぎまぶしご飯」を429円で販売したところ、「飛ぶように売れる」(鮮魚担当者)人気ぶり。鹿児島県産のうなぎは仕入れ方法を変え、「うなぎの蒲焼 大」を昨年よりも200円安い2570円で提供し、価格に敏感な消費者を味方につけたい考えだ。
 変わり種を投入するのはイオンリテール。10~20代が中心の「Z世代」向けに、焼き鳥感覚で食べる串刺しの「中国産うなぎ おつまみ串蒲焼」(4本入り861円)を売り出した。広報担当者は、「魚食文化をつなぐため、若者に『刺さる』ものを企画した」と力を込める。

2024.07.21 07:09Nation

Japanese Food Biz Pushing Eels for Day of Ox

Japanese food businesses including retailers and restaurant chains are competing to sell eel products ahead of the midsummer Day of the Ox on Wednesday, when demand is expected to spike.
   Their sales lineups range from luxurious items for a festive mood to affordable ones for consumers weary of the protracted inflation.
   "Let's eat eel and overcome summer," an industry official said.
   The Daimaru Tokyo store, operated by Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co., offers about 70 kinds of eel products, its widest variety ever.
   While it sells luxurious items such as an eel bento box priced at 4,590 yen from Isesada, a long-established grilled eel restaurant, and a bento containing both eel and high-end Yonezawa beef for 5,400 yen, items priced at around 1,000 yen are also on sale.


